June 26, 2024

6-26-24 Economic Development Comm. Agenda

Motion : To approve the  minutes from the May 29, 2024 minutes.

Parcels by Type - Sheet1.pdf
2017ChapterVIII_Land Use (1).pdf
LitchfieldLandUse (2).pdf
Litchfield MS4 Map 201908 (1) (1).pdf
Proposed New MS4 Permit Area (1).pdf

Email sent  June 17th to participants:

Good Afternoon,

On May 29th, the Economic Development Committee met and discussed the next steps for developing focus group meetings.  The meeting can be watched here:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7RHU_vNats&list=PLQGn5VV13CNiZnhIHzz1xB-9qOq2v-o2O&index=9

Attached are also the draft minutes. The committee spent time discussing how best to encourage participation - which venues, time of day, and days of the week would be most convenient for members of the community.  If you have suggestions, we would love to hear them.

The discussion concluded with plans to reconvene on June 26 to finalize details and ensure alignment on the focus groups' structure and objectives.

If you would like to respond via email, we will share your thoughts at your next meeting,

Very best,


Minutes of May 29th and video link was included.

Discussion :  Planning Focus Group Meeting

NRPC Recommentions:  In the evening and that it should be conducted via Zoom. We have the best participation that way in the focus

 groups that we have done. The questions should be based around three or so of the main themes that came out of the survey that the

 Committee wants to dive into more deeply

Next meeting:    July 31, 2024  , Agenda Items

Town of Litchfield Economic Devleopment Survey March 2024.pdf

Kim will be holding this series  in April at the Library